We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and strive to handle and protect personal information appropriately.

Please review the privacy policy of hersell, Inc.

hersell,Inc complies with the laws regarding the protection of personal information, and will make every effort to handle and protect personal information appropriately in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
1. your personal information
We will appoint a person responsible for the management of personal information and properly manage such information in accordance with our rules for the protection of personal information.
2. purpose of use and collection
When we ask you to provide us with personal information such as your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address, we will clearly inform you in advance of the purpose of use and collect your personal information within an appropriate scope.
3. use of personal information
We will use your personal information only for the purposes to which you have consented.
4.Prohibition of provision or disclosure to third parties.

We will not provide or disclose personal information to third parties without your consent. However, this does not apply to the following cases.

  • When requested by a court of law, police, or other public agency in accordance with laws and regulati.
  • When there are special provisions in laws and regulations.
  • When there is a risk of damage to the life, body, or property of the customer or a third party and the consent of the person cannot be obtained.
  • When it is necessary to protect or defend our rights, property, or services from actions that violate laws, regulations, or our Terms of Use and Precautions, and we are unable to obtain your consent.
5.Ensure and improve information security
We continuously strive to ensure and improve information security to prevent leakage, loss, and falsification of customers’ personal information.
6.Response to disclosure and correction of personal information
When a customer requests disclosure or correction of his/her own personal information, we will respond to the request within a reasonable period and scope after confirming the identity of the customer making the request.